About Us

We are a group of students from the Jade Hochschule in Wilhelmshaven, Germany and the Kathmandu University in Nepal. The cooperation between the two universities has been established in 2014 and exists mainly between the study courses „Media management and journalism“ in Wilhelmshaven and „Media Studies“ in Kathmandu. On this website we will share exciting articles in relation to media and journalism in a comparison of Nepal and Germany and we’ll discuss the role of professional journalism and public value. The media system in the two countries is quite different, with Nepal having many radio stations and Germany with its wide range of newspapers and public TV.

Just as important is our multimedia content about cultural differences that we are creating for YouTube, Instagram and Spotify. We hope you will enjoy our mix of content about media and entertaining videos and podcasts. Make sure to follow us on our social media channels to not miss anything!

Marketing Team

the marketing team takes care of social media marketing as well as print marketing. They analyze the market, identify target audiences, and create compelling campaigns to attract and retain prospects.They create and manage promotional activities, monitor the performance of marketing initiatives, and maintain strong customer relationships to drive business success.

Technical Team

the technical team takes care of the website and questions regarding technical issues like equipment and formatting 

Editorial Team

the editorial team researches and writes all content, journalistic texts, videos and blog entries. 

Project Team

Project managers are responsible for planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring a project. They bear overall responsibility for ensuring that the project is completed successfully.