Fun Facts About Nepal and Germany
Oceans and continents apart, Germany and Nepal may seem like an unlikely duo, but their 65 years of bilateral friendship based on diplomacy, partnership in trade, aid, and mutual support is…
Porpoises in Wilhelmshaven
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Community Radio in Nepal and the “Bürgerfunk” in Germany
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We are a group of students from the Jade Hochschule in Wilhelmshaven, Germany and the Kathmandu University in Nepal. The cooperation between the two universities has been established in 2014 and exists mainly between the study courses „Media management and journalism“ in Wilhelmshaven and „Media Studies“ in Kathmandu. On this website we will share exciting articles in relation to media and journalism in a comparison of Nepal and Germany and we’ll discuss the role of professional journalism and public value.
What is the difference between Kathmandu and Wilhelmshaven?

10 Interesting facts about Wilhelmshaven

10 Interesting facts about Nepal

- Germany is home to 1,500 different types of beer, 300 types of bread and 1,000 types of sausage.
- More than 800 million currywurst sausages are eaten every year in Germany. The snack is so popular that there’s even a museum dedicated to it in Berlin.
- The capital city, Berlin is 9 times bigger than Paris and has more bridges than Venice!
- 65% of the German highways (called the Autobahn) have no speed limit!
- Germany has over 400 zoos, which is more than any other country.
- Germany boasts of diverse cultural and historical richness, with over 2,100 castles, 6,200 museums, 820 theatres, 130 professional orchestras, and 8,800 libraries.
- Attempting to escape jail is legal in Germany.
- Germany is home to the world’s largest cuckoo clock.
- The Christmas tree tradition originated in Germany.
- The world’s first car was invented in Germany by Karl Benz in 1886.
- Nepal is the only country in the world with a non-rectangular flag.
- Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, is located in Nepal.
- Nepal has never been colonized by any foreign power.
- Nepal is the birthplace of Lord Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.
- Nepal celebrates over 50 festivals in a year.
- Kathmandu Valley was once a lake. According to mythology, it is believed that Manjushree Bodhisattva cut a gorge at Chobar and drained the lake.
- Nepal is home to 125 ethnic groups and 123 languages
- The Nepali calendar called Bikram Sambhat is approximately 56 years 9 months and 15 days ahead of Gregorian calendar. The Nepali New Year is celebrated in mid-April and the current year is 2080!
- As a national animal of the country, slaughtering cows is illegal in Nepal. Although, you can enjoy beef at different restaurants and eateries.
- Handshakes are quite uncommon in Nepal. The people of Nepal put their palms together and bow their forehead and say Namaste or Tashi-dalek (in the Sherpa Communities). Namaste is directly translated as ‘I salute the God in you’.